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BIRDS FOR SALE AMERICAN FLYING TUMBLER Rare AFTs – great performers – all colors and patterns – developed from originals for 50 years – R. Kim LaFlamme 541-597-2871 laflamme@earthlink.net (SO23-JA24P) American Flying Tumblers for sale - $20 per bird. Donald Markus 507-329-4262 (JA24- ND24p) ARCHANGEL Archangels – Copper and Gold Blackwings – Perry Mueller 314-631-3772 perrymueller58@icloud.com (MJ23-Mj26p) Archangels – Multiple colors. Marv Jones 352-382-0443 (MJ24-MA25p) CHINESE OWL Quality Stock in several colors – Rick Tucker 815-973-7971 or coopscoop@comcast.net (ND21-SO25P) CLASSIC OLD FRILLS Satinettes and Blondinettes – 18 years COFC member. Mike McLin 715 790 6266 race_w_me@hotmail.com (JF24-ND24f) DEWLAP Adana, Earring and Frilled Dewlaps – These are diving bird. Contact John Lis 610-207-0706 (JF24-ND24P) ADANA – Beautiful, healthy birds. Davey Benjamin 208-695-6201 (SO24-ND24P) ENGLISH TRUMPETERS NPA Master Breeder – 50 Years experience. $50 up. Bob Nolan 949-542-9799. robertbobnolan@gmail.com (JF22-ND24p) FLYING FLIGHT Outstanding foster parents and flyers – $20 each. Bob Nolan 949-542-9799. robertbobnolan@gmail.com(JF22-ND24p) FRENCH MONDAIN French Mondains – Many colors and patterns. Show quality. Steve Helfrich 812-575-7180 shelfric@usi.edu (MA22-SO25p) GIANT HUNGARIAN HOUSE Pageant and National champions – $100 each. Bob Nolan 949-542-9799. robertbobnolan@gmail.com (JF22-ND24p) Scotland, CT Lofts – Todd Eckles – 401-440-2251 tpeckles@icloud.com (MJ24-MA25p) GIANT RUNTS Giant Runts for sale – I will have several dozen young birds early Spring for sale. Contact Dom Mastri dominicmastri13@outlook.com (MA24-JA24P) HOLLE CROPPER Pageant & National champions – $50 up. Bob Nolan 949-542-9799. robertbobnolan@gmail.com (JF22-ND24p) INDIAN FANTAIL Indian Fantails with quality – Maynard Coblentz 320-852-0615 (JF22-ND24p) JACOBIN Bred with a Master Breeder’s Touch – and a working person’s wallet. All colors, literally. NPA, PJC, CJC Master Breeder 818-462-3486 Drew Lobenstein - drewloben@yahoo.com (ND21-SO24P) World Class Jacobins – All colors over 40 years of breeding showing. NPA Master breeder - NPA Master Judge - International Judge. I have pleased breeders all over the world. Jim Ecker , 614 South Huron Rd. Linwood, MI 48634. eckerjwc@aol.com tel. 989-710-6050. See my show teams at all top shows.(SO23- JA24p) Jacobins bred for Show – mostly white, black, splash, Indigo-Andalusian Steve Gaskin 469 401 8880 (MJ24-SO24C) KAZAN – ROSTOV TUMBLERS Kazan - Rostov Tumblers – Sandy Sauls. ottmar688627@gmail.com or 260-525-4301 (JA24-MJ25P) KOMORNER TUMBLER Komorner Tumblers – Magpies and Whites. Charlie Brown 615-642-1416 (MA24-JF25c) When Contacting our Advertisers, MINDIAN FANTAILS Mindian Fantails – Various colors from Chrissy Rapp and Gary Cline Loft. Jaime Guzman 530-253-3078 leave message (MA24-JF25p) NUNS Nuns - Blacks and Blues. Rick Tucker 815-973-7971 or coopscoop@comcast.net (ND24-SO25p) NORWICH CROPPER Championship Quality – $50 each. Bob Nolan 949-542-9799 robertbobnolan@gmail.com (JF22-ND24p) OLD DUTCH TURBIT Old Dutch Turbits – Blacks, Blues, Reds, Mealies and their dilutes. Birds occassionally for sale. Tony Flagg at 229-328-5642 or tflagg333@gmail.com (SO23-JA24P) OLD DUTCH TUMBLER Old Dutch Tumblers – White, Grizzle, and Whitetails. John Valencia, Victorville, CA. 760-217-0132 (JA24-MJ25p) ORIENTAL FRILL Satinettes – Call Jim Raposa 941-800-6427 (ND24f) POMERANIAN POUTER NPA National Champion – Starting at $75. Bob Nolan 949-542-9799 robertbobnolan@gmail.com (JF22-ND24p) PORTUGUESE TUMBLER Portuguese - black and andalusian in spread, reduced and sprenkle. 100% German import family. Limited numbers in fall. Joe Powers 717-246-4972 Dreamcatcher_Dwarfs@comcast.net (MJ23-MA24P) POUTER & CROPPER Quality English Pouters, Old German Croppers and Reverse Wing Pouters – Great birds at great prices! Frank Barrachina , 909-797-9757 Frankbarrachina@aol. com (JF21-ND24P) Granadino and Marchenero Pouters – Young Birds available. Contact John Lis 610-207-0706 (JF24-ND24p) Bohemian Pouters – 35 years of dedication to breeding quality Bohemian Pouters. Help bring America’s pouter back from the brink and into the show hall. Young birds available year round. Ryan Bateman (503) 724-7834 (ND23-SO24P) Good Quality Voorburg Shield Cropper – Seven Colors. Hennie Kersten 360-789-6899 (ND23-SO24P) Blue English Pouters – High quality blue English Pouters, direst from imports. Text Herb Matheson at 858-967-1721 or email herb.matheson@validationa.org (ND24-MA25p) New Breed - Niagara Pouters in red also yellow, almond. Brunners from European imports, high quality, vaccinated birds. Jerry Sindelar jsindela@uoguelph.ca (SO24-JA25) Pigmy Pouters – Quality Pigmy Pouters, bars and solids. Young and Yearling. Mke Craft michaelconriver@gmail.com or 815-429-3689 (MA25-JA25c) RACING HOMER White and Colored Homers – $10 each. Bob Nolan 949-542-9799 robertnolan@gmail.com (JF22-ND24F) Quality Racing Homers – Bred to Fly. Almonds, Kit. Blue Pied Buitta, Black Spangled Debocg, Red & Yellow Trentons, others. Arwyn Taugner 530-675-9003 taugnersretreat.com or ataugner@yahoo.com (ND22-ND24p) Quality Racing Homers – Bred to Fly! Black, Almond, White and Andalusian. Also Trentons in Yellow and Red. Larry Unden 916-967-7897 or 916-671-0837 (MA24-JF25P) Show Type Racing Homers – Stock Reduction (due to my health issues) I will be at the following shows: Athens, NYBS and the NPA National. Mike Brown 1-321-474-2656 (ND23-SO24F) White and Colored Homers – Young Birds $18 each. Pairs $55. Rick Wied 920-619-2130 (MJ24 O-JF26p) Racing pigeons bred from Pedigree Belgium Imports - $85 each plus shipping. Dennis Terrizzi 516 554-7812 (JA24- C) ROLLER Birmingham Rollers – Rick Mee Bloodlines. Best I’ve ever had. Jaime Guzman 530-253-3078 leave message (MA24-JF25P) South African & Vaconette Rollers. Also OGO and Whte Homers. Quality Birds at Reasonable Prices! “Pick Up Only” Don Gilchriest, N Giles Co. TN. 931-379-0885 after 4 CST or leave message (JA24-SO24p) SHOW TYPE RACING HOMERS Show Type Racing Homers – Stock Reduction (due to my health issues) I will be at the following shows: Athens, NYBS and the NPA National. Mike Brown 1-321-474-2656 (ND23-SO24F) SWALLOW Swallows – Quality birds available starting this fall. Perry Mueller 314-631-3772 perrymueller58@icloud.com (MJ23-MJ24p) UKRAINIAN SKYCUTTER Ukrainian Skycutters – Top quality Cerpasty and Tortsovey flights, any color. Greg Dobran 347-612-5493 or Instagram #skycutters718 (ND20-JF24) UTILITY BREEDS Utility King cross. Excellent squab producers.Young Birds $25 each. Pair $65.00. RIck Wied 920-619-2130 (MJ24-MA25p) VOORBURG SHIELD CROPPER Good Quality Voorburg Shield Cropper – Seven Colors. Hennie Kersten 360-789-6899 (ND23-SO24P) WEST OF ENGLAND TUMBLER West of England – Mottles, Blacks, Selfs, Andalusians, from George Garcia Loft. Jaime Guzman 530-253-3078 leave message (MA24-JF25P) West: White and Tortoise Shell – Sandy Oelschlegel, soelschl@gmail.com, 423-807-0633 (SO23-JA25P) WING Thuringer Wing – Many color patterns. Also TSwallows and Field Color Pigeons. Dave Holloway - dianne. holloway@frontier.com 503-648-7893 (ND22-SO23P)
| BREEDERS WITH Frillbacks, Valencian Figuritas, Franconian/Arabian/Bokhara Trumpeters, Pigmy/Saxon Pouters, Dutch Highfliers, Nuremberg Larks, Nuns, Jacobins, Modern Or. Frills, Srebrniaks, Zitterhals. – Tally Mezzanatto - NPA, NPCC, AFC Master Breeder. TallysPigeonParadise@yahoo.com 909-797-9757. (S023-S024P) Breeding English Trumpeters, Nuns, English Carriers, Domestic Show Flights, Dragoons, Barbs, Exhibition Homers, Komorners, Helmets, House Pigeons, Egyptian Swifts, Berlin Short Face, Volga Tumblers, African Owls, Fantails, English Pouters – John Heppner, Seven Breeds NPA Master Breeder.3040 Godfrey Ave. Gilroy, CA 95020 Ph. 408-848-3399. (JA23-MJ24p) Flying Oriental Rollers, Horseman Pouters, Rare Colored Racers, Catalonian Tumblers and more – Alan Bliven www.circuslofts.com (MA23-MJ24p) American Giant Homers, Auto Sex Texan Pioneers, Utility recessive red Carneau & coming soon French Gros Mondain – Clifton D Padgett 620-640-1546 or cokisgianthomerman5587@gmail.com (MA22-JF25p) Giant Hungarian House, Minindian Fantail and Old Dutch Capuchine - Todd Eckles 401-440-2251 or tpeckles@icloud.com (c) Giant Hungarian House Pigeons in all colors, West of England Tumblers, Rare Bald Head, Pastel Colors, Rare Colors in English Trumpeters, Bokhara Trumpeters, South African Rollers, Gabriels, Mona Lisa Davinci Racing Homers, Bishops, TS Old Dutch Capuchine. Mike Owen 501-472-4783 or alohamikeowen@gmail.com (MJ24-MA25C) South African & Vaconette Rollers. Also OGO and Whte Homers. Quality Birds at Reasonable Prices! “Pick Up Only” Don Gilchriest, N Giles Co. TN. 931-379-0885 after 4 CST or leave message (JA24-SO24p) — BREED CLUBS — American Archangel Club – working toward quality Archangels in the U.S. National and state meets. Dues $10. Contact Mike Tempel at 515-297-1658 or www.ArchangelPigeon.com - club website (SO23-JA24) American Flying Tumbler club – Old World type, small performing flying tumbler with classic old show appeal, “in all colors.” See our Facebook club site at American Flying Tumbler Club or call- Tyler Martindale 801-420-6899 - martindale.tyler211@gmail.com (MJ23-MA24p) American Pigmy Pouter Club - Promoting the World's Greatest Showbird. For more information contact: Stan Staveckis, P.O. Box 97, Clayton, New York 13624, e-mail pigmypouterman@yahoo.com, 315-686-2694. http://www.pigmypouterclub.com (MA23-JF24p) American Show Racer Association – join us in breeding and showing the "Bird of Dignity." Contact ASRA Sec. Treasurer Mike Conway - conway5211@aol.com (f) The German Modena Association – Tim Heidrich 404-922-4960 or Brad Stuckey at 318-792-8693 or visit our Facebook group. (f) National English Trumpeter Club - 4 Bulletins a year. Shows nationwide. For dues info. contact Sec/Treas Mickey Jackson 575-200-4104 or mjackson122000@yahoo.com (ND24-SO25) National Pouter and Cropper Club – Online bulletins, great meets, and keepsake awards. Help with all your pouter matters. Dues, $15. Frank Barrachina, Secretary, PO Box 720061, Pinion Hills,Ca. 92372 (JF22-ND24P) Old German Owl Club – Timely newsletters and shows throughout North America. Contact 203-951-9505, contactus@ogoc.org or http://www. ogoc.org or facebook. Look for our OGO auction at the following shows: Louisville YBS, The Pageant, Des Moines, and the National. Any questions, Bob Perx Lofts 781-337-1901 or bobnaa@comcast.net (JA16-MJ24f) Olde Style Saddle Muffed Tumbler Club – Contact Kevin & Claudia Gum 618-749-9942 or kcgum@hotmail.com or https://facebook.com/oldestylesaddlemuffedtumblerpigeon (ND24f) Join the Western American (English) Trumpeter Club – Four outstanding bulletins. Summer and Fall shows plus the Classic in January. Adults - $25, Family $35, juniors $7.50. Send dues to Karen Fraire, 24234 Central Ave., Descanso, CA 91916 (JA21-MJ24F) Seraphim Club International Pigeon Fanciers Group – join on facebook, no fees to join. Questions? contact David Coster cozmd@aol.com or www.seraphimclubinternational.com (JF25F) ALL BREED CLUBS Pigeon Fanciers of the Carolinas – new club forming in North Carolina. Come Join Us! Bogdan bogdanpan123@gmail.com or Kevin Moths kevy73@bellsouth.net (f) DelMarVa Pigeon Club (Delaware/Maryland/Virginia) bi-monthly meetings, two All breed show per year and more. Please join us at The DelMarVa Pigeon Club on facebook . (f) Indiana Pigeon Club – All Breed. Yearly show in February. Contact Mark Newby at mrknewby@aol.com or inpigeonclub@gmail.com (f) MOKA Pigeon Club serving MO,OK, KS, AR states. Annual YBS & All Breed Show. Contact Terry Mallory 603 S. Dade 189 Everton, MO. 65646 mokapigeonclub@outlook.com (MA24-JF25P) St. Louis Metropolitan Pigeon Fanciers Association – All Breeds Club. Dues $10/yr. St. Louis Pigeon Club on Facebook. Peggy Crook by phone or text at 314-681-0002 or at chickenmama.marans@gmail.com (JA22-MJ24p) Minnesota State Pigeon Association – Welcoming all breeds and new members. Annual sponsor of the North Star Classic all breeds show in November. Dues $5 Junior, $10 Single, $15 Family. Visit us on the web at www.MinnesotaStatePigeonAssociation.com. Membership - Patti Dietzel, 12355 134th Street, Cologne, MN 55322 ph. 952-303-9948 (SO21-JA24p) National Pigeon Association (US) – promotes the pigeon hobby through fellowship, education, and competition. Shows, Bands, Quarterly Bulletins. https://www.npausa.com (free ad from Purebred Pigeon in support of the NPA) Rare Breeds Pigeon Club – supporting all rare and unusal pigeon breeds https://rarebreedspigeonclub.com Southern Pigeon Cub – Annual show in Louisiana. www.southernpigeonclub.com or southernpigeon@gmail.com (MA22-JF24F) Virginia Pigeon and Dove Association – Three annual shows including our big Fall show with 1000+ entries. NPA Affiliate Club. Dues $10 per year. Contact www.vpdausa.org (f) — WANTED — Wanted – M. Frank Cook, A. O. Schilling Paintings, Photos and Prints. Eric L. Kooker, P.O. 100, Quakertown, PA 18951 267-242-4676 or e_kooker@msn.com (JF21-ND24p) WANTED – “Quality” Copper-blue-Wing, white bar Archangels. Call Mavin Jones 352-382-0443 Looking for Pigeon Patches and Grand National Show reports. Mitch Slagle 509 778 0334 (ND23-SO24P) Wanted Parlor Rollers – Any color. John Hoekstra 845-820-5078 jhockstra@@orangecountygov.com (mj24-nd24p) Wanted Maltese pigeons – Amy Nicolai nocolai151@aol.com (mj24-Ma25F) Rare Breeds PIgeon Club Bulletins Wanted - for our club archives. Contact Colton Friedel coltonfriedel@gmail.com OLD SEAMLESS BANDS WANTED – We make simple bracelets with them to give to the children at our booth at the Virginia State Fair. Please send to VPDA, PO Box 253, Ladysmith, Virginia 22501 (f) Interested in advertising here? — PIGEON ITEMS — Thousands of Poultry and Pigeon collectible gifts and goodies – that you can buy from Diane Jacky’s online gift shops. Great ideas for special events and other occasions. Apparel, posters, stickers, plates, mousepads, clocks, tiles, neckties, mugs, ornaments, magnets, postage stamps, dog shirts, aprons and more. www.dianejacky.com (SO22-JA24p) Books and Magazines – Antique, Vintage and New Pigeon, Poultry, Automobile. Send email, text or phone. Owen Kalland, 1-408-839-9901 oakjacboklofts1@aol.com (MJ21-MA24P) Books – antique and new, magazines, standards in several languages, original paintings, stamps, medals, figurines etc. Jerry Sindelar at jsindela@uoguelph.ca (SO24-JA25) www.pigeon cote.com – books, magazines, curios, health advice, history - John Verburg NPA Standards Book New for 2024/2025 – Go to www.NPAUSA.com - over 270 written standards of perfection for show pigeons, many with color illustrations. Used by all pigeon judges in the U.S. (free ad in support of the NPA) BOOK - Guide to Success in Breeding and Exhibiting the Chinese Owl by Richard Holmberg (recipent of Lifetime Achivement Award for the NCOC). Covers every facet of the Chinese Owl from beak to feet. Many show tips with 70 beautiful color photos. 82 pages hardcover. $45 with $6 US shipping. R. Holmberg 5495 N Durango Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89149 Show Coops – 1000 holes available. Contact Eric L. Kooker, P.O. 100, Quakertown, PA 18951 267-242-4676 or e_kooker@msn.com (ND24-SO25f) ADVERTISERS – PLEASE CHECK YOUR DATES |
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